Do something long enough and it can almost seem like you've been doing it, well, for a long time. (That's rather redundant now, isn't it?) This past December I passed the 10 year mark for being either pregnant or breastfeeding*. Now, you may be aghast at the thought, but I am rather proud of this "accomplishment". It's tough to stick with something for that long, and 10 years (a decade!) is no mean feat. Having said that, it's not like it's really been much work for the most part. Yes, there have definitely been days (and weeks, and months!) when I didn't think I'd make it, but overall, it's almost the lazy girl's approach to mothering.
*spread over 4 children. And, yes, there was some slight overlap between the two (nursing and pregnant**) but I never made it as far as tandem nursing.
**I love how the "milk-brain" thinks tangentally rather than completing...yeah. I was remembering the time (between #2 & #3) I was shopping for a nursing bra. The sales clerk asked, "Is this for when you're pregnant, or nursing?" I replied, "Both!" She totally missed the point of my answer (I was, at that time, both pregnant and nursing) and started going on and on about how my size was going to be fluctuating and I should wait to buy a nursing bra until a certain point in my pregnancy, blah, blah ... I just ignored her and kept trying on bras.
8 hours ago