Ok, so the last few years I've tried to look up my pickled beet recipe on this blog. The problem is, it never made it here. Why not? Well, as with many things I cannot simply use someone else's recipe. That would be too easy. No, I have to take three different recipes and then come up with my own. And sometimes those creations work better than others. Of course, I only want to keep the good recipes, so you have to eat the thing before you decide if it's a keeper. But with pickles, there's usually at least a month between when I make them and when we eat them. (An exception would be the fermented dills that I made with Christine, but that's another post.) And by then I've totally forgotten all about posting recipes. So now, as this year's beets are in the canner, I'm going to post this recipe. Then it'll be here when I look for it next year.
Pickled Beets
3 cups sugar
3 cups water
4 cups vinegar
large metal bowl full of beets (boiled and skinned)
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ground allspice (if I can find it)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 cinnamon sticks
1 tsp pickling salt
Bring brine and spices to a boil, add beets. Simmer 5 min (to heat beets through), fill sterilized jars.
Process 30 min
Makes 5-6 quarts
8 hours ago