Our family has just returned from an absolutely wonderful vacation. Dh is on parental leave, so we were able to take just over 3 weeks for a trek out west. First we flew to Saskatoon and spent a week with my parents over Easter. 2 of my brothers and their families were able to come out for the weekend and we had a fabulous time together. It was the first time my Mom had all of her grandkids in one place. Fun!
For stage 2 of our journey dh's parents flew out to join us and we all took the train from Saskatoon to Vancouver. The kids loved the train; anything that lets you walk around instead of being strapped into a car seat is a great way to travel.

We spent two nights in Vancouver (at the
Cascadia - with a pool and a delicious buffet breakfast we quite enjoyed our stay) where the
Vancouver Aquarium was a definite highlight. Then it was on to the ferry and over to Vancouver Island. Five fabulous nights were spent in Ucluelet. The weather was perfect, and the kids had a blast exploring tidal pools and collecting sea stars, hermit crabs, clams etc. for their own "touch tank" - a bucket which we carried back to our cabin and changed the sea water in daily.

Dh rented a surfboard and wetsuit to taste the waves while A, her grandma and I headed out on "a three hour tour" (you have to sing that part) to see a humpback whale enjoying some spring krill.
We spent a night in Victoria, and one just up the coast in Sooke before heading back to the mainland to visit friends in Abbotsford and Vancouver before flying back home. What a wonderful vacation! Thank you, God, for your many blessings.
(If you'd like to see more pictures of our trip, contact me and I'll send you the link to our web album :)
it was really really fun!