To continue the food theme (since I've done nothing but eat ever since May ;)
this is what I've been up to in the kitchen lately:
First, or rather, most recently, is the "meal" that Ev & I just enjoyed together (Dh has the eldest 2 camping this weekend). It was a case of wanting something good to eat, but quickly and without much effort. (I realize that that could describe most nights, but somehow it's different when there are only 2 of you instead of 5-6). Looking for inspiration I ventured down to the basement to mine our deep freeze. Thus, our "dinner" consisted of: asian steam buns (left over from when the girls from Taiwan were staying with us earlier this summer), swiss chard from our CSA (frozen a couple of weeks ago), and (drum roll, please!) cheese-ball omelette, made with some left-over cheese ball sent home with us from my cousin's wedding. (I really wasn't sure what we were going to do with half a large cheese ball, but this was quite tasty.)
And, still to come, fresh peach galette. (OK, I realize that to some this might not qualify as "fast and easy", but you need to understand that I came home from the market today with 7 litres of seconds (peaches) today - because the 1/2 bushel that I received from a friend yesterday is obviously not enough - and there was a ball of leftover pastry sitting in the fridge from when dh baked me a pie. So, it was pretty quick and easy.)
21 hours ago
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